Friday, March 12, 2010

BANQUET Sweet and Sour Chicken

You may be asking yourself: "Why is his title about Banquet Sweet and Sour Chicken? Is this going to be a food blog? The name of the blog is about food. Maybe he'll give us sweet recipies!"


This is not a food specific blog. "BANQUET Sweet and Sour Chicken" was the text that popped up as the auto-fill for the Title when I clicked there so I went with it.

I'm not the most eloquent writer on the planet. Do I wish I could be a professional writer? Yeah absolutely because as hard as the work is, guys who are doing big time sports writing (your Peter Kings and Bill Simmons's and what not) are having a great time. Likewise, those who write about things that they love professionally are getting paid to research, report and comment on the things that they love. Everyone wants to be a writer these days because it seems like the dream job, which is why sites like this exist. For the purpose of everyone being able to express themselves for the world to see and feel, even if on a much smaller scale, like a professional who's opinions really matter.

I'm very realistic about this whole thing. My opinions don't matter to a vast majority of the people in the world. But they matter to me and really, I'm the only person who matters anyway. Suck it. I'm going to write down what I have to say and if you read it, you can like it or you can hate it, but you're still reading it and that's what really matters.

I might write something more targeted toward one subject or another at another point but I think it's good to get off on the right foot and really understand where I'm coming from.

So stay tuned for something good, from my table to your table. That down home country goodness, made the Jimmy Dean way.

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